(OpenType-SVG-Font Gilbert-Color CC BY-SA 4.0 & OTF Source Sans Pro OFL 1.1)


set terminal svg size 800,500 name "Kernelpaketversionshistorie" font "SourceSansPro" #enhanced background rgb 'white'
set output "history.svg"

set title "Kernelpaketversionshistorie" font "Gilbert,45"
#set xlabel "Datum"
set ylabel "Kernelversion"

set datafile separator "|"

set timefmt "%s"
set xdata time
set format x "%Y-%m-%d"
#set xtics nomirror rotate by -20 font "SourceSansPro,15" 
set xtics rotate by 15 offset -7,-1 font "SourceSansPro,15" 
set mxtics 7

set yrange [4.14:4.19]
set ytics font "Gilbert,30"

set key left

set style line 12 lc rgb '#808080' lt 0 lw 1
set style line 13 lc rgb '#e0e0e0' lt 0 lw 1
set grid ytics ls 12
set grid mxtics xtics ls 12, ls 13

plot "< sqlite3 reponews.sqlite 'select * from plotzfs;'" using 1:5 title "kernel-zfs" with steps lw 2, \
'' using 1:5 notitle with points pointtype 6 lc rgb '#808080', \
'' using 1:5:4 with labels center rotate by 90 offset 0.7,1.5 notitle, \
"< sqlite3 reponews.sqlite 'select * from plotneu;'" using 1:5 title "kernel-nagelneu" with steps lw 2, \
'' using 1:5 notitle with points pointtype 6 linecolor rgb '#808080', \
'' using 1:5:4 with labels center rotate by 90 offset 0.7,1.5 notitle 
sqlite3 reponews.sqlite 'select * from plotzfs;'
1529325240|2018-06-18 14:34:00|zfs|4.16.16|4.1616
1529658240|2018-06-22 11:04:00|zfs|4.16.17|4.1617
1529991720|2018-06-26 07:42:00|zfs|4.16.18|4.1618
1530622319|2018-07-03 14:51:59|zfs|4.14.53|4.1453
1531129735|2018-07-09 11:48:55|zfs|4.14.54|4.1454

(OpenType-SVG-Font Gilbert-Color CC BY-SA 4.0)

inoffizieller Debian/Ubuntu Paketserver für nagelneue Kernelpakete
[This site] has been edited for tone and content by the Felman Lux Automated Decency Filter.